Does Hardballing WORK When Dating Foreign Women?

Sofia Diaz
6 min readSep 21, 2023

We all undergo a certain phase in our lives where we are not sure of what to do and what we want to become in the future.

It feels like we are stuck in a dungeon and even a spot of light is unperceivable.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

As the world changes constantly, we need to seek what we are good at and know what we are looking for.

YOU need to start embracing the notion that the time will come when you need to be certain about what is required to be complete as a person. Also, you need to know who you want to be with for a lifetime without settling for less.

When you start dating someone you find interesting, it is important to know what your intentions are. It’s like laying down your plans when you begin building your life away from your constants.

Hardballing is a contemporary dating phenomenon in which daters are vocal about what their intentions are when dating someone. It is also referred to as “dating like a CEO.”

This dating style provides men and women the chance to get to know a person well enough through sensible conversations and formal interactions — this does not prohibit talking casually.

However, this is more direct to the point because you can tell the person right away what you want your relationship to be after a few meetings.

Survey shows that 46% of people on Bumble are seeking a serious connection brought on by the loneliness and anxiety caused by the isolation and lockdown. In other words, they are ready to date with no intention of messing around, causing confusion, and playing games.

Although hardballing is primarily done by women most of the time, would it result in something positive if men do the same?

The Beauty of Being Open and Frank When Seeking Romance

As most people can agree, honesty is one value that most love seekers expect from a potential partner. No relationship can move along without both parties involved becoming transparent and honest in most of their doings.

A recent survey found that 38% of daters are confident in being vocal about what fits and what doesn’t fit for them when dating someone, and 36% are straightforward in telling someone that they don’t match at all.

Remember, with honesty comes trust. As cliché as it may sound, once trust is shattered, it can take forever for someone to put the pieces back together.

There are some factors to consider if you want to be honest with your intentions during the dating period. Hardballing doesn’t mean telling your intentions on the very first day of exchanging messages.

You need to follow certain strategies to do hardballing the right way.

  • Identify your endgame.

This is the primary move you need to take into account — knowing your goal.

When you entertain and date someone, what is it that you are looking for?

Is it friendship or a long-term romantic relationship?

Keep in mind that by simply telling them what your purpose is for entertaining them, you are creating a win-win situation because you both know how to connect with each other.

The reason why this is important is that you don’t want others to feel bad if one day they find out that you don’t see them as a lover. Basically, it’s a slap on the face when you let someone show you their love, affection, and extended efforts, but you are not willing to do the same.

No one wants a one-sided romance, so define your purpose.

  • Initiate the conversation. Communication is key!

If you both decide to meet, personally or on social media, don’t be mute. Make use of your ability to converse while having dinner or a video chat.

In a typical dating scene, meeting someone is your chance to get to know them better. This is also an avenue for you to discreetly observe how they act, talk, and treat others.

Photo by Jep Gambardella on Pexels

You may ask questions about their life. You can also share your experiences to find your similarities and common interests.

Allow yourselves to talk and share comfortably.

Do not interrogate your date during this period. Don’t let them feel that you are someone apprehensive about what and who they are.

You are there to date, not to win a case in court.

  • Be in charge of your time.

Considering that you know what you’re looking for, you should never be afraid to go against the odds.

The three-month rule of dating won’t justify the fact that your dating experience didn’t progress or grow. The time you spend getting to know someone better, even before the third month, serves as the foundation for pursuing a connection you want to make.

If you think that both of you are not on the same page, don’t wait any longer to end it.

  • Keep telling yourself that you deserve better.

Don’t settle for less.

This is common to all, especially when someone has been single for a long time or if they had been in a failed relationship or partnered with the wrong person.

But this should be your love mantra when you hope and pray to be with someone to share your life with.

It’s easy to say that you can give it a try whenever someone comes into your life; however, when you love someone, it’s mostly because you value them and the way they make you feel when you’re with them.

With that being said, you need to take into consideration if loving someone aids to your happiness, even if it means they don’t feel the exact same way. Because if it doesn’t make you happy, why love at all?

Explore and experience things with people you meet online or in person, but never be fixated on inconsistent acts. If you think that it doesn’t feel right, detach. Follow your instincts.

You know how genuine your love is, so you deserve a romantic equal.

The Clearer, The Better

Photo by Andre Furtado on Pexels

When you are in search of a romantic partner, whether because you have been single for a long time or you feel that you’re ready to love, you tend to create fantasies of how your relationship will be with someone as it is nurtured by the moments you share when dating.

But fantasizing doesn’t ensure realization.

You need to be keen when trying to get to know someone better before going to the next level of the connection. The person’s actions, words, and intentions must be consistent and clear to you.

If you notice something off during the course of the dating period, speak up about it before it’s too late. In simple terms, don’t date someone who is unsure of their intentions, as it may only lead to a toxic relationship.

Sure enough, 2020 has taught you and everyone else that the clearer you are about your intentions, the lesser chances of you wasting your time and anyone else’s.

