Travel Mistakes to Avoid When Visiting Mexico

Sofia Diaz
5 min readMay 6, 2024

Mexico is a travel destination that has something special for everyone.

It has white sand beaches, breathtaking ancient ruins, unique cuisines, and spectacular sights, among many. It’s not a surprise thousands of tourists frequent the country yearly.

Photo by Azahed on Unsplash

Whether it’s your first time traveling to the country or not, you need to know these common travel mistakes when exploring Mexico City. Avoid doing the following to have a hassle-free and fun vacation in this gorgeous destination.

Pre-Travel Mistakes

Countless travel blogs advise readers that traveling without a plan is the best plan. We respectfully disagree, especially if you’re traveling to a foreign country that has a different set of laws, customs, and language from yours.

It’s not going to be easy navigating your way to destinations if you’re unable to speak nor understand the local language. If you want a smooth and successful trip, you should avoid the following:

  • Not having a travel itinerary.

Having an itinerary can help you maximize your trip. It saves time and prevents you from missing out on places, activities, and experiences. Aside from that, it’ll help you keep track of your schedule. Not a day is wasted if you thoroughly plan your trip. You’ll know where to go and what to do. No more wasting time waiting and deciding.

  • Not learning any Spanish.

You don’t have to be fluent. Knowing basic phrases that help you ask for directions, say thank you, and greet locals is enough. If you have trouble memorizing words, you can always purchase and carry an English-Spanish dictionary with you during your trip.

  • Not doing any research.

Probably the most important information you should research is basic Mexican etiquette. It’ll help you avoid offending the locals.

Upon Arrival Travel Mistakes

Travelers often make these two mistakes upon arriving at Mexico City International Airport:

  • Not saving their Migratory Tourist Form.

It’s a small piece of paper you get after passing through Customs. Some immigration officers simply tear it away from your immigration form and insert it between the pages of your passport without telling you its importance, especially when things are hectic.

Don’t lose this paper slip. Otherwise, you’ll be required to pay a fine of around 40 USD for failure to present it upon leaving the country. While you can always report it as lost and get a replacement, the process is long and tedious (definitely not worth it).

Photo by Narciso Arellano on Unsplash
  • Exchanging money at the airport.

You can get better rates elsewhere. Go to a local bank or ATM, their exchange rates are usually competitive. You can also try going to currency exchange shops and kiosks in malls. Don’t convert all your cash in one place. Look around and find better exchange rates.

Travel Money Mistakes

A few money-related mistakes travelers make after they’ve left the airport and explore Mexico are as follows:

  • Paying in dollars.

While it’s true that a lot of establishments in Mexico accept US dollars as payment, this doesn’t necessarily mean you should pay in US dollars. Chances are, you’ll end up paying more than needed.

  • Not having any Mexican pesos.

Cash is the widely preferred mode of payment in Mexico. A lot of small shops (if not all) do not accept debit or credit cards. Always keep enough Mexican cash in your wallet whenever you plan to explore the streets of Mexico.

  • Not having any small bills on hand.

Street vendors, taxi drivers, and small shops will appreciate it when you hand them small bills. Handing out a 500 MXN bill to pay for a 40 MXN beer is going to cause a huge inconvenience to the seller. As such, whenever you can, try to break down large bills.

While Exploring Mexico

It’s a foreign country with new places to see, unique things to do, and interesting cuisines to taste. However, there are still travelers who fail to grasp this concept. Instead, they do the following:

  • Staying at a resort and never leaving it.

See and explore Mexico beyond the resort walls. Don’t limit your travel experience. Go out and roam the streets, meet people, drink at local bars, and eat at local restaurants. Immerse yourself in Mexican culture while you’re in the country.

  • Only visiting tourist attractions.

Mexico is full of world-renowned tourist attractions. Perhaps the most famous one is the Chichen Itza, an ancient Mayan ruin. It’s truly a magnificent sight to see.

Truth is, we don’t discourage you from seeing these famous tourist attractions because you definitely should see them. Just make sure you also make time to see locations that are not considered attractions. They have fewer crowds and affordable souvenirs, and they are generally more peaceful. You’ll appreciate the beauty of Mexico even more.

Photo by Michael Barón on Unsplash
  • Only trying tacos, burritos, quesadillas, and fajitas.

Ditch Tex-Mex food and try new things. Save the familiar for when you’re back at home and opt for things you haven’t tried like chilaquiles, pozole, tostadas, elote, enchiladas, mole, and tamales — famous traditional Mexican dishes.

  • Not giving street food a chance.

Mexican street food is one of the most popular in the world. In fact, Forbes named Mexico City one of the top ten cities in the world to eat street food. It would be a shame to not give it a chance while you’re in the country.

  • Not taking lots of photos.

Photos help you remember your travel experience. It also makes good souvenirs to keep and hang on your wall or post on your social media accounts.

  • Not using the bathroom correctly.

Take note that restroom doors with an “M” are for females, while doors with a “C” on them are for males. The Spanish word for females is Mujeres, while for males, Caballeros.

Also, never flush toilet paper. There’s a designated trash bin on the side of the toilet where you can throw it. If you flush down toilet paper, there’s a high possibility it will get clogged and the water from the toilet will rise. This is because Mexico’s sewage system cannot accommodate paper.

It’s important you avoid the above-mentioned travel mistakes to ensure a fun, memorable, and hassle-free vacation in Mexico.

Don’t forget to enjoy your trip!

Don’t get too caught up in avoiding travel mistakes that you forget to have a good time.

While it’s great to come prepared and always be ready, you also need to let loose and enjoy yourself.

